Andradite Music Productions (AMP) is a new creative startup, founded by Adele M. Wilding, vocalist/composer/arranger/educator. Wilding is known in composers' circles as Adeleine Locke.

Wilding is the Chief Executive Officer, Creative Director and Head Composer/Arranger for AMP. The company specializes in providing original songs and music for sync placements in film, TV, and ads. We also write original songs for recording artists seeking fresh, original material.

All of our tracks have been professionally recorded, mixed and mastered and using only professional musicians and recording studios. Each track is converted into mp3 format and contains the appropriate metadata.

Andradite Music Productions is a Canadian company that supports local productions. We are strategically placed on the West Coast of Canada to service the Vancouver film industry. We additionally welcome opportunities to work with music supervisors/coordinators in Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal.

As this is a new company, we will be adding music as it is completed. Should you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to reach out via our Contact page.

The name Andradite originates from the gemstone of the same name and is a member of the Garnet family, our founder’s gemstone. The Andradite stone is said to be “a spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment” (1), both of which reflect core qualities of our founder and company philosophy. Each of the Andradite colours signify different energies that we incorporate into our work ethic: communication, relationship building, networking and the pooling of ideas. (2)

Source for (1) (2) : Excerpts from Crystal Vaults: (c. 2009-2020)